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April 2023


Edition #1

Angelique Michelle sitting on the steps of The Great Wall of China.


     Welcome to intent. An encapsulation of my growth. As I embark on this journey of living the life I want to lead, I wanted to document and reflect during the process. I always believed that your idols should be those you share your everyday life with. I’m privileged in that way. I’ve never had a shortage of strong, powerful, inspirational people in my life. For this though, I wanted to start with people who others would be familiar with.

Few names kept populating in my head consistently: First Lady Michelle Obama, Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, and many awards winning, Actress Viola Davis. Three women who are actively changing our communities and shared Earth experience. We’re all creatives. We all cultivate and curate a narrative, whether it be in the form of a podcast, social media post, work persona, or book; and we all have something to say. I wanted to know what these three women had decided to tell the world.

Meghan Markle's Archetypes Podcast Photo

I started with the Duchess herself. She released a podcast in 2022 through her production company Archewell Studios entitled Archetypes. In her words, Archetypes is “a podcast where we investigate, dissect, and subvert the labels that try to hold women back.” She spoke of the duality of diva with Mariah Carey, what it means to be ambitious and labeled as such with Serena Williams, and the ever-hated angry Black woman label with Issa Rae.

I found myself bingeing the episodes with a sense of understanding. Here are all the archetypes and names women never want to be labeled as. I connected with what Meghan Markle and her guests had and were experiencing in their lives. Yet, I wanted to go deeper. (Remember, this is all about growth.) I had to reflect, and I did not like what I found. Sometimes, I find myself subconsciously using these archetypes and negative connotations regarding other women.

I was angry with myself, but then I remembered my promise. As I try to become a better citizen, a better advocate, a better person, I must give myself (and others) grace. I read once, “your first thought is what you were trained to think, your second thought is how you actually feel.” That has stuck with me for years. I am consciously deprogramming my mind from societal constructs.


Oprah and Viola Davis

Ms. Viola Davis. I saw on Netflix that she did an interview with Oprah for the release of her book Finding Me. While, I fully believe that we’ll be diving deeper into her memoir later this year, I wanted to mention what impacted me the most during this interview. Ms. Davis stated that her dreams were bigger than her fears and that courage is the real cure. I am riddled with insecurities when it comes to my purpose in life. I truly felt like that moment was for me. My dreams must outweigh my fears and I need to lead with courage. “All courage is, is fear said with prayers.”

First Lady, Michelle Obama's Becoming Book Cover

Let’s touch upon First Lady Michelle Obama’s Becoming. As I dived into this book, I couldn’t help but realize how normal Mrs. Obama’s childhood seemed to be. She simply worked hard. She engaged those around her, strived to be mentored by those she admired, and stayed true to her beliefs. It seems so simple and almost unremarkable. Yet, we know that Mrs. Michelle Obama is anything but unremarkable.

Here is a woman with great influence on the world, highly educated and motivated, and above all, the epidemy of integrity. Here she is telling her story in a way that makes you think, “I can do that”. While I definitely do not see myself becoming a very successful lawyer, or even First Lady, I do see myself leading my life with the same values that she led hers.

The Ubuntu philosophy states: I am because you are, you are because I am. If this is true then I want to be better not for myself, but for you. I can only do that because of who you are. Therefore, I would like to end by saying, thank you. Also, you’re welcome, but mostly thank you. Be sure to check out other intent. articles.

As ever,

Angelique Michelle